2024-01-30 07:13:29 | 邀请函
2、Good luck in the year ahead!
3、元旦来临送温暖,我把祝福连一连,愿好运连连财气多。20xx年元旦卡片的祝福短句 新的一年新气象,新的一岁有活力,元旦将临,祝你在新的一年中吃好,...。
4、For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season!
5、May the glow of New Year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright Have a love filled New Year! 愿新年的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你新年充满爱!
6、Good luck, good health, hood cheer I wish you a happy New Year。
8、Everything goes well。
9、On this special day I send you New Years greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together。
May you come into a good fortune! 恭喜发财!
May many fortunes find their way to you!
A happy New Year to you. 恭贺新年
Everything goes well 吉祥如意
May all your wishes come true 心想事成
A good start in the New Year 新春大吉
With best wishes for a happy New Year!
Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year.
Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.
Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.
Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.
I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.
Wishing you many future successes.
Good luck in the year ahead!
I want to wish you longevity and health!
On this special day I send you New Year's greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together.
I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.邀请函
May the New Year bring many good things and rich blessings to you and all those you love!
Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.
Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.
With best wishes for a happy New Year!
I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.
1、I want to wish you longevity and health!
2、Wishing you many future successes.
3、May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card. I sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success.
4、May the season''s joy fill you all the year round.
5、Season's greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!
6、With best wishes for a happy New Year!
2017新年祝福语英文给客户 新年到了,快给身边的人送去祝福吧!我给大家整理了2017新年祝福语英文给客户,敬请关注! 1、BestwishesfortheholidaysandhappinessthroughouttheNewYear.恭贺新禧,万事如意。 2、ItseemsthatChristmastimeishereonceagain,anditistimeagaintobri
元旦节给外国朋友的英文祝福短信 2018年的元旦就要来了,在外留学的学生准备好自己的祝福短信,如果不知道表达,就看看祝福短信吧,想必是不少出国人士比较感兴趣的话题,和一起来看看元旦节给外国朋友的英文祝福短信吧!欢迎阅读。 元旦节给外国朋友的英文祝福短信 newyear'sgreetingsandbestwishes! 致新年贺忱与最美好的祝福! ahappynewyear
给国外客户的新年祝福语 1、Iwanttowishyoulongevityandhealth! 愿你健康长寿! 2、Wishingyoumanyfuturesuccesses. 祝你今后获得更大成就。 3、Mayeverythingbeautifulandbestbecondensedintothiscard.Isincerelywishyouhappiness,cheerf
给国外客户的新年祝福语 1、Iwanttowishyoulongevityandhealth! 愿你健康长寿! 2、Wishingyoumanyfuturesuccesses. 祝你今后获得更大成就。 3、Mayeverythingbeautifulandbestbecondensedintothiscard.Isincerelywishyouhappiness,cheerf
给国外客户的新年祝福语(60字以内)? 虎年国外客户英文新年祝福语 恭贺新禧! Goodluckintheyearahead! 吉星高照! Mayyoucomeintoagoodfortune! 恭喜发财! Livelongandproper! 多福多寿! Maymanyfortunesfindtheirwaytoyou! 财运亨通! Iwanttow
给国外客户的新年祝福语 1、Iwanttowishyoulongevityandhealth! 愿你健康长寿! 2、Wishingyoumanyfuturesuccesses. 祝你今后获得更大成就。 3、Mayeverythingbeautifulandbestbecondensedintothiscard.Isincerelywishyouhappiness,cheerf
给国外客户的新年祝福语(60字以内)? 虎年国外客户英文新年祝福语 恭贺新禧! Goodluckintheyearahead! 吉星高照! Mayyoucomeintoagoodfortune! 恭喜发财! Livelongandproper! 多福多寿! Maymanyfortunesfindtheirwaytoyou! 财运亨通! Iwanttow
元旦节祝福语英语贺词 1.元旦节祝福语英语贺词 1、元旦到了,愿四面八方的幸福全部涌向你。 NewYear'sDayishere.Mayhappinessflowtoyouinalldirections. 2、愿你新的一年和和美美过日子,做个幸福傻小子。元旦快乐哟! Mayyouliveinpeaceandbeautyinthenewyearandbeahappyfoo
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